Standard I/O
db file sequential – read Single block read db file scattered – read Multi block read db file parallel – read Non-contiguous multi block read read by other session – wait for another session to do the io
select parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 from v$event_name where …
NAME P1 P2 P3 ----------------------- ----------- --------- -------- db file sequential read file# block# blocks db file scattered read file# block# blocks db file parallel read files blocks requests read by other session file# block# class#
db file sequential read
Top reported wait
Single block read
block accessed via
select * from emp where empno=99; where there is an index on emp(empno)
algorythm search buffer cache for block by rowid, if fail, read block off disk via file# and block#
Note: “sequential” means a sequence as in rowid
db file scattered read
Multi Block Read
Full Table Scan
Index Fast Full Scan
select * from emp;
algorythm search buffer cache for block by rowid, if fail, read block off disk via file# and block# and # of blocks
Note: “scattered” means blocks are scattered throughout the buffer cache (even though they are laid out sequential on disk)
db_file_multiblock_read_count set the target block read size
db file parallel read
Process issues multiple single block reads in parallel
Documentation says only for recovery
seems to happen for normal read ops
Async Call – wait for all reads to complete
Not contiguous multi block read
Index full or range scan
Where values in
Select * from emp where empno in (1,2,3,4,5,6);
read by other session
Multiple sessions reading the same data that requires IO
two users doing a full table scan at the same time
Block not found in cache
Read block from disk
Found other session already reading block from disk
Wait for the other session to finish IO