It’s rare to find professional level tools that are written by the people who use them. Most professional tools are written by teams of people who have little idea of how they are used and many users write tools that never reach a professional level. Thus it is a pleasure to see the tools put out by Method R with Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt. Jeff and Cary have been well known in the industry for their work and contributions to the world of Oracle performance tuning. With Method R tools they not only share their know how and tools they use to tune systems, but they have polished them into solid, clean , tight professional level tools that are dependable, high quality and written with integrity.
MR Trace ($49.95) – automatically creates, collects and manages trace files for queries run in Oracle’s SQL Developer using extended tracefile options targeted at collecting pertinent performance information for optimizing SQL statements.
mrskew – your trace file profiler and data miner, the core MR Tools product, check out Karl Arao’s examples
other tools
Trace file timings:
Is like the gold standard for the Method R tools . The profiler takes all the know how and analysis and wraps it up in a clean crisp html UI that makes for easy browsing , exploration and analysis
I look forward to blogging soon on some of the innovative and powerful features of Method R Profiler
A quick summary of things in the report
1. Task-Level Profiles
1.1 Profile by subroutine
events like:
db file sequential read
db file scattered read >
spark line
table , each line is a bucket between 1us - 1000 secs, orders of 10
call count
total seconds
2.2 next subroutine
3. Contribution to Subroutine by Statement
3.1 Statement Contributions to <>
statement text (with sql hash)
seconds duration
drill down to stats
3.2 next subroutine
4. Statement Detail
4.1 Statement Report for <>
Oracle hash value:
Full statement text: drilldown
Re-use: # distinct text
Text size: x lines, y bytes
# of distinct plans: X
Optimizer goals:
response time contribution:
4.1.1 Profile by Contribution to Parent Cursor
4.1.2 Profile by Subroutine
waits, CPU, time by
seconds, count, mean, min, max, skew sparkline
4.1.3 Profile by Database Call
beween calls
cursor close
rwos processed
bufer cache access total
Library cache misses
4.1.4 Execution Plans and Placeholder Values
Execution plan
seconds for row !
seconds including descendents
rows returned
PIOs read
PIOs writes
4.1.5 Statement Text
4.2 ... next statement ...
5. Configuration information