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Writer: kyle Haileykyle Hailey


EMlight might not be as important now with Oracle 12c coming out and with Oracle’s EM Express, but EMlight is still pretty cool.  I  tried it about year  ago, and was impressed.  EMlight  is a light weight  re-write of Enterprise Manager that is dependable and improved. How is it improved? Let’s look at my favorite part, the “Top Activity” screen. The “Top Activity” screen has added a section on I/O latencies which is sorely missing from OEM’s performance page and Top Activity page. The OEM light version also includes  a list of the top events (as I did in DB Optimizer).  Very cool.

How is EMlight more dependable? With EMlight you just connect to the database and voila it works. It doesn’t require any of the brittle configuration files that OEM depends on nor the agents and processes that OEM depends on.

Here is an example of the To Activity screen in EMlight:

I tested version 1.2. Since then versions 1.3 and 1.4 have been released. I’ve meant to test these but haven’t yet and didn’t want to wait any longer before posting about this promising tool.

Just gave a quick look at 1.4 and looks pretty much the same but obvious improvements such as the “top activity” screen above now has a super responsive slider window to choose the aggregation time range, and you might notice in the above screen shot that CPU is missing in two of the 3 aggregates which is now fixed in 1.4 (I think the fix actually made it into 1.3 originally)

Check out more screen shots here

Here are a few other screen shots fro my testing:

Datafiles along with single block I/O latency which is a nice addition

I/O along with I/O latency (I don’t think OEM has every added I/O latency )

Buffer cache contents and advisory:

Archive file date times sizes and rates

Tables space usage and attributes

Top  Session, PL/SQL, SQL, Events  (kind of like the top activity page without the timeline)


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Kyle Hailey

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